13 Snart 30 | 13 Going On 30 |
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| Sprog: Engelsk (Dolby Digital 5.1) Tjekkisk (Dolby Digital 5.1) Ungarnsk (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Undertekst: Engelsk Arabisk, Bulgarsk, Hindi, Hollandsk, Islandsk, Kroatisk, Polsk, Rumænsk, Slovensk, Tjekkisk, Tyrkisk, Ungarnsk
Billedeformat: Widescreen 1.85:1 (16:9) (Anamorphic)
Antal disk: |  |
| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Den 13-årige Jenna ønsker at hun var 30. Men man skal passe på, hvad man ønsker! Dagen efter vågner hun nemlig op som succesfuld og smuk 30-årig moderedaktør. Dybt forvirret opsøger hun sin bedste ven fra teenage årene, Matt, der hjælper hende gennem den første dag. Jenna lever sig hurtigt ind i rollen som superkvinde, men stille og roligt opdager hun, at hun på ingen måde er den pige, hun var for 20 år siden og at det, hun virkelig ønsker sig, ikke er muligt ... Med mindre hun får en ny chance...
Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Comic fantasy starring Jennifer Garner as Jenna Rink, who at the start of the film is a typical awkward adolescent, constantly dreaming of being popular and accepted as part of the in-crowd at school. During her thirteenth birthday party, she finds herself sitting alone and humiliated in a dark closet after being rejected during a teenage kissing game - and fervently wishes that there might be some way to avoid the trials and tribulations of the teenage years that stretch so cruelly and inevitably ahead of her. When she emerges, she gets the surprise of her life: she's popular, beautiful, successful - and days away from her 30th birthday. The only problem is, her mind has not matured to match her new womanly body, career or love-life. | Ekstra features:
Directors Commentary Producers Commentary Photo Montage Blooper Reel I Was A Teenage Geek Featurette The Making Of A Teen Dream Featurette Making Of A Teen Dream Another Take Featurette Deleted Scenes Pat Benatars Love Is A Battlefield Music Video Rick Springfields Josies Girl Music Video
Awards nomineringer. |  |
| Instruktør: Gary Winick
Skuespillere: Alexandra Kyle Andy Serkis Christa B. Allen Jennifer Garner Joe Grifasi Judy Greer Kathy Baker Kiersten Warren Lynn Collins Marcia DeBonis Mark Ruffalo Mary Pat Gleason Phil Reeves Renee Olstead Samuel Ball Sean Marquette Susan Egan
Producent: Allegra Clegg Dan Kolsrud Desiree Van Til Donna Roth Gina Matthews Susan J. Arnold Todd Garner
Forfatter: Cathy Yuspa Josh Goldsmith