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| Sprog: Engelsk (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Undertekst: Ingen
Billedeformat: Widescreen 1.78:1 (16:9) (Anamorphic)
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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Som 12-årig oplever Rachael psykopaten Patrick Bateman slå sin barnepige ihjel. Rachael tager en kold hævn over Bateman og dedikerer sit sit liv til at udrydde seriemordere. Senere i livet søger hun en stilling som assistent for professor Starkman - den mand i landet, der ved mest om seriemordere. Men stillingen er ikke sådan lige at få for Rachael. Der er andre kandidater, bl.a. en psykiater, i vejen. Hvad vil en seriemorder gøre i den situation? Fjerne problemerne naturligvis! Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Patrick Bateman is dead, but his evil legacy continues in the body of the beautiful, young Rachael Newman, the only victim who managed to escape Bateman's grasp. Rachael has become obsessed with serial killers to such an extent that while at college she will get rid of anyone who stands between her and her goal of becoming the teaching assistant to the infamous Dr. Daniels, a professor and former FBI profiler. In a world where the stakes are big her and sex can kill, lies the terror of the new American Psycho. | Ekstra features:
| Instruktør: Morgan J. Freeman
Skuespillere: Andrew Scorer Boyd Banks Charles Officer Geraint Wyn Davies Greer Kent Jenna Perry John Healy Kate Kelton Kay Hawtrey Kim Poirier Kim Schraner Lindy Booth Lynne Deragon Michael Kremko Mila Kunis Neil Crone Philip Williams Quancetia Hamilton Robin Dunne Shoshana Sperling Susan Quinn Thomas Dozol William Shatner
Producent: Chris Hanley Christian Halsey Solomon Ernie Barbarash Michael Paseornek Richard Hull Suzanne Colvin
Forfatter: Alex Sanger Karen Craig