101 Dalmatinere 2: Kvik På Eventyr I London (Specialudgave) | 101 Dalmatians 2: Patch's London Adventure |
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| Sprog: Dansk (Dolby Digital 5.1) Engelsk (Dolby Digital 5.1) Norsk (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Undertekst: Dansk, Engelsk, Norsk
Billedeformat: Widescreen 1.66:1 (16:9)
Antal disk: |  | SS-DL: (DVD-9)
| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] I denne helt nye tegnefilm i spillefilmslængde, 101 Dalmatinere II - Kvik På Eventyr i London, følger vi hvalpen Kvik, som ikke har det godt med bare at være en lille plettet hvalp blandt alle de andre. Han drømmer om at være noget særligt, præcis som hans store idol, den umådeligt populære tv-hund Tordenbrag. Da Kvik ved en fejltagelse bliver væk fra sin familie, havner han midt i en tv-optagelse med sin helt Tordenbrag. Pludselig er lille Kvik blevet idolets medhjælper i et svimlende og actionfyldt eventyr - i det virkelige liv! Imens lægger skurken Cruella en ond plan.
Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] The endearing tale of Disney's animated classic "101 Dalmatians" continues in the delightful, all-new movie, "101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure". It's a fun-filled adventure fresh with irresistible original music and lovable new characters, voiced by Jason Alexander, Martin Short and Barry Bostwick.
Lost in a sea of spots, little Patch longs to stand out from the other puppies and dreams of becoming a "One-Of-A-Kind Wonder Dog" like his favorite TV star, Thunderbolt. When Patch accidentally gets separated from his family, he takes the opportunity to meet his hero and, miraculously, finds himself in the real-life role of Thunderbolt's sidekick. Meanwhile, Cruella has become a patron of the arts after discovering the spotty paintings of an eccentric new artist named Lars. To inspire him, she kidnaps all of the other Dalmatian puppies. Together, Patch and Thunderbolt have to figure out a way to save the day, and, through his own acts of heroism, Patch discovers that he truly is one-of-a-kind. | Ekstra features:
- Nyt spil: Kviks tusmørkeeventyr
- Spil: På afveje i London
- Tordenbrags omklædningsværelse
- Bag kulisserne
- "Try Again" - musikvideo
- "You're The One" - musikvideo
| Instruktør: Brian Smith Jim Kammerud
Skuespillere: Barry Bostwick Bobby Lockwood Jason Alexander Jeff Bennett Jodi Benson Kath Soucie Martin Short Mary MacLeod Maurice LaMarche Michael Lerner Samuel West Susan Blakeslee Tim Bentinck
Producent: Carolyn Bates Leslie Hough
Forfatter: Brian Smith Jim Kammerud