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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Nick Nolte spiller Ray Cooke, en sjusket, gnaven baseballdommer,som på besynderlig vis bliver venner med en teenager,som har problemer, Dave Tibbel (Trevor Morgan). Efterhånden som de bliver mere afhængige af hinanden, beder Ray Dave om at tage med til sit 40-års highschool-jubilæum og lade, som om han er hans søn, et velment bedrag, som kommer til at vise helt uventede sider af de to mænd. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Premiering in 'Official Selection' at the Sundance Film Festival 2006, James Ponsoldt's debut film is an assured and beautifully played drama about a broken man's redemptive relationship with the son her never had. Featuring an outstanding leading performance from two-time Oscar-nominee Nick Nolte (Hotel Rwanda, Hulk, The Thin Red Line), the film also stars Trevor Morgan (Mean Creek, The Patriot), Oscar-winner Timothy Hutton (The Good Sheperd, Kinsey) and Oscar-nominee Sally Kirkland (Bruce Almighty, EDTV).
Ray Cooke (Nolte) is a disheveled, grumpy high school baseball umpire who forms an unlikely friendship with a troubled teenager, Dave Tibbel (Moragn). As the two grow more dependent on each other, Ray asks Dave to go to his 40th high school reunion and pretend to be his son, a benevolent act of deception that winds up opening unexpected dimensions in the two men. | Ekstra features:
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Andre udgaver af samme produkt: | Off The Black | DVD (Brugt) | Med dansk tekst | 10,00 kr |  |
| Instruktør: James Ponsoldt
Skuespillere: Alex Wipf Cory Mayer Darrell Larson Grace Woodard James Ponsoldt John Tuell Johnathan Tchaikovsky Lee Bryant Marlyne Afflack Marlyne Barrett Michael Higgins Nancy Johnston Nick Nolte Noah Fleiss Paul Urcioli Peter Van Wagner Richard Petrocelli Richard Terwilliger Rosemarie DeWitt Sally Kirkland Sonia Feigelson Thomas Schall Timothy Hutton Trevor Morgan Whitney Bashor
Producent: Bob Hariri Carrie Fix Maggie Meade Matt Tromans Meg Mortimer Robert Hariri Robin O'Hara Scott Macaulay Steve Kalafer
Forfatter: James Ponsoldt