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Graffiti Artist, The

Vis stor:  []

Produceret: 2004
Genre:Drama, Graffiti
Længde:ca. 1 time 19 minutter

  US Import
  1 stk. på lager
 Pris:  99,95 DKK
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Engelsk (Dolby Digital 2.0)

(ikke blevet opdateret)

Antal disk: 

 BEMÆRK - Kode 1 
Kan kun afspilles på en kodefri DVD-afspiller!!!

Adrift in a lush, nocturnal urban landscape, Nick is a post-modern urban hero asserting his anarchistic agenda on the endless maze of virgin exterior walls that comprise downtown Seattle and Portland. For writer/director Bolton's lonely "tagger" protagonist, the vast wall surfaces of deserted alleys and trainyards are at once a daunting symbol of capitalist oppression and a texturally rich, seamless tableau ripe for exploitation to amplify his artistic dialectic of anger and rebellion. His own virtually anonymous existence seemingly only secondary to the painted surfaces and "rupture the system" manifesto which more poignantly evidence his presence, Nick's prodigious solo graffiti output is interrupted by friendship with another young tagger. Their communication begins as less verbal than a kind of shared graphic tour de force; their enormous collaborative graffiti murals appear to emerge as the unmistakable offspring of their kindred spirit. But eventually their assumptions about one...

James Bolton

Angie Golds
Dan Stegner
Daniel Parker
Don Connell
John Paulson
Justin Lawrence
Luke Cook
Megan Johnston
Natascha Snellman
Pepper Fajans
Pledgure Duoshun
Rich Carlton
Rich Clemets
Robert D. Heath Jr.
Ruben Bansie
Ruben Bansie-Snellman
Zachary S. Smalls

James Bolton
Laura Jean Cronin

James Bolton