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| Sprog: Dansk (Dolby Digital 2.0)
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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Pilates Gymball gør træningen til en ren fornøjelse samtidig med at du opnår et fantastisk resultat.
Fordelen ved at kombinere træningsbolden med øvelserne i Pilates vil overraske dig, når det gælder hele din selvfølelse. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Pilates Gymball Workout - 'Makes exercising great fun and gives you fantastic results!' You will notice the benefits after just a few workouts!
The benefits of this programme will change your life: not only in the way your body looks but how you feel about yourself. Lucy Knight, the fitness professional, who brought you the highly successful 'Gymball Workout' is excited to now bring you this innovative workout which is a partnership of Pilates and the Gymball. Pilates and the ball compliment each other as they are both primarily concerned with improving posture, working with core stability muscles and changing your body's shape by giving you longer, leaner muscles. Developing your posture and strengthening your core muscles will give you a new found confidence in your body and how you carry yourself. This is a workout that you can do at any age or level. |
| Instruktør: Ken Gray
Skuespillere: Lucy Knight