James Bond: Diamanter Varer Evigt | Agent 007: Diamonds Are Forever |
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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Et kostbart parti diamanter forsvinder under mystiske omstændigheder men overraskende for det britiske efterretningsvæsen forsøger bagmændene ikke at afhænde tyvekosterne på verdensmarkedet. Bond opdager, at skurken Ernst Blofeld anvender diamanterne som brændstof i en gigantisk lasergenerator, der fra det ydre rum kan detonere våbenarsenalerne i både Øst og Vest. En uhyggelig auktion over verdensherredømmet kan begynde. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Superspy James Bond (Sean Connery) gets tangled up in the wild world of international diamond smuggling. But hold on the mission is not quite so simple as it seems; his chase of the jewel thieves leads him to conspirators with plans for unleashing a nuclear armageddon on an unsuspecting planet. The majority of the action takes place on the gaudy, glittering streets of Las Vegas, as Bond negotiates the grotesque terrain with his customary aplomb and fancy mechanical gadgets. As always, he manages to dally with several sexy bombshells along the way, including the wonderful Lana Wood as Plenty O'Toole. Connery is as suave and entertaining as ever, taking on the menacing Charles Gray, who is trying his hand at playing Bond's archenemy, Blofeld. Look for the car chase down a narrow alley. |
Awards nomineringer. | |
| Instruktør: Guy Hamilton
Skuespillere: Bernard Lee Bill Hutchinson Brinsley Forde Bruce Cabot Bruce Glover Burt Metcalfe Charles Gray Clifford Earl David Bauer David de Keyser David Healy Desmond Llewelyn Dick Crockett Donna Garrat Frank Olegario George A. Cooper Henry Rowland Janos Kurucz Jill St. John Jimmy Dean Joe Robinson John Abineri Joseph Fürst Karl Held Lana Wood Laurence Naismith Leonard Barr Lois Maxwell Marc Lawrence Margaret Lacey Mark Elwes Norman Burton Putter Smith Ray Baker Sammy Davis Jr. Sean Connery Shane Rimmer Sid Haig Tom Steele Trina Parks
Producent: Albert R. Broccoli Harry Saltzman Stanley Sopel
Forfatter: Ian Fleming Richard Maibaum Tom Mankiewicz